The tale of Par is quite simple and hopefully a cinderella story that will be told for generations to come. On a hot Michigan summer day, three friends with a common love for cannabis, design, and of course golf, stood on the tee box of a long Par 5. They cracked open a cold one and sparked up a joint anxiously waiting for the group ahead to make their way to their second shot. Over par and under the influence, the three had a spark of genius. “What if we started a golf brand?” Two balls shanked into the woods and a third barely making it past the forward tees later, Par was born. 

Our goal is simple. Provide golfers with the best products that are specifically crafted with them and the game in mind. Everything we clad with the “Par” name has been tested, thrown out, redesigned, and tested again so that when it’s time to perform, aim, or recover it will live up to its name. 

See you out there.

-The Boys